Author Archives: user
The APEX Pro Motorsports Phone Mount was developed in-house by the APEX Pro team for the demands and rigors of driving on track. The strong suction based is rated for 5 pound. Holding your phone securely is no problem. The goal for the motorsports phone mount is to provide you with a strong suction mount […]
Data acquisition is a hot topic on internet forums, Facebook, email newsletters, and at track events. You might have some experience with data, but I am willing to bet there are many folks wondering what all the talk is about. “I’m not a data person” or “I’m not analytical” or “I’m not technical” are comments […]
We started a new Facebook group for LTP subscribers only. Please request to join the groups if you subscribe to LTP. We will cross reference you with our data base before approval. As an LTP subscriber, you will receive access to the LTP Facebook group and a free recurring webinar roundtable discussion that will be […]
You have read posts on forums, seen YouTube videos, and even joined a data acquisition group on Facebook but you are still trying to decide what device you need to shed more light on your on-track performance. APEX Pro, while still “the new kid on the block,” is no longer an eager new student learning […]
Connect. Calibrate. Drive. Try it out before you go to the race track! The last thing you want to happen is to get to the race track and forget to setup your APEX Pro! We heavily recommend Connecting to your APEX Pro, tapping Calibrate, and hitting drive before getting to the track. Make it part […]
The new SCCA Time Trials format is designed to get you competing on track in a low-cost environment. Without the risks of wheel to wheel racing, Time Trials is the perfect way to get into on-track competition whether your background is Autocross or track days! The newly revised classing format is perfect for both built […]
Cycling the main power on the APEX unit deletes the stored model and allows the unit to start learning from scratch. When is this beneficial, and when is this not desirable? Answers to those questions can be found in this short clip with APEX Pro Technical Director Dr. Austin Gurley! APEX Learns enough within the […]
Looking for a comprehensive resource for un-boxing, installing, troubleshooting, and learning from your APEX Pro? Below is a link to the User’s Manual! This is your one-stop resource for all of your APEX Pro related questions. Check it out when you have some time, and please let us know if it’s helpful!